How to Make Cash Flow Forecasting – akan membantu Anda mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana arus kas masuk dan keluar dari organisasi Anda. Anda akan belajar apa yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mempengaruhi arus kas dalam upaya untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tak terduga dan mendukung kesuksesan rencana perusahaan.
Anda juga akan menemukan cara untuk membangun cadangan kas Anda dan menciptakan ‘bantal’ uang tunai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mendesak. Akhirnya Anda akan menguasai alat peramalan dan strategi perencanaan keuangan yang akan membantu Anda membangun dan menjaga arus kas yang stabil positif.
Pelatihan How to Make Cash Flow Forecasting
Tujuan Training How to Make Cash Flow Forecasting
- Memberikan pemahaman kepada peserta akan pentingnya cash flow forecasting sebagai the most powerful tool dalam cash flow management
- Membekali peserta dengan berbagai hal yang esensial dalam cash flow forecasting
- Secara umum pelatihan ini akan membantu peserta dalam membuat proyeksi arus kas dan membangun serta menjaga arus kas yang stabil.
Metode Training How to Make Cash Flow Forecasting
- Pelatihan menggunakan metode ceramah dalam memahami konsep, dan latihan/studi kasus dalam mendalami teknik aplikasinya.
- Disessi terakhir para peserta akan membuat action plan untuk menentukan rencana yang akan diterapkan setelah kembali ke dunia kerja
Pokok-pokok Bahasan Training How to Make Cash Flow Forecasting
A. Identify Cash Obstacles and Opportunities
- Cash flow vs. profits: what’s the difference?
- The secrets of managing for cash flow as well as for profit
- Why cash flow is key to the success of every business, from start-ups to major corporations
- Operating; Investing; Financing — three types of cash flow you must be aware of
- Cash flow drivers: what are they? How do they affect your organization?
- How to create a “cash culture” committed to the cash flow process in your organization
- Four critical situations in which cash flow forecasting will protect you from bad decisions
- How to prepare, interpret, and analyze data within these four key financial reports
B. Find and Analyze Sources of Revenue
- Early payment discounts, late fees, and pre-payment bonuses: Three tactics to help you get paid more quickly
- How to identify five key revenue sources you may be overlooking
- Four ways to swiftly increase your company’s cash coffers
- Guidelines for forecasting individual cash flow line items
- Tips for identifying your most — and least — profitable customers
- What you can do about customers who chronically pay late … or not at all
- How to identify cash that is sitting idle (excess inventory, excess capacity, accounts receivable) & get it into the flow
- Three smart steps for evaluating the viability of new opportunities to see if they are right for your business
C. Analyze and Manage Payment of Expenses
- Five kinds of expenses: Fixed, Variable, Operating, Investment, and Growth
- What are the hidden costs of poor cash flow management? You may be surprised!
- Using ratios to understand your business’s cash flow
- Four ways to slow the cash flow leaving your organization:
- Two items that don’t belong in the cash flow forecast
- Four commonly overlooked expenses that can negatively affect cash flow: bad debts, taxes, owner’s draw, and credit card processing fees
D. Strategic System Design (Operations, Policies, Procedures, Processes)
- Avoiding information overload — learn “what you need to know” and “why you need to know it” regarding cash flow
- Forecast, History, Statistics, and One-time Event — cash flow forecasting techniques you’ll put to use immediately
- How to correctly prepare, present, and analyze cash flow statements
- Overcoming the urge to underestimate how much cash you’ll really need
- Four powerful ways to deal with cash flow uncertainty
- Two techniques for analyzing performance against forecast amounts
- Why it’s important to align your business processes
- Six smart ways to protect your cash flow
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