Training The Controllers in Action – Workshop ini bukan pelatihan biasa !!!. Workshop ini didesain khusus bagi para staff professional, manager dan controller yang ingin meningkatkan dan mempertajam kemampuannya sebagai Controller yang indispensible. Pelatihan ini mencakup materi aspek financial dan non financial yang dibutuhkan oleh seorang controller.
Pelatihan The Controllers in Action
Tujuan dan Manfaat Training The Controllers in Action
- Memahami apa yang dibutuhkan top management dan dapat diberikan oleh seorang controller
- Memahami factor yang dapat dengan cepat memberikan added value ke perusahaan.
- Teknik bagaimana terlibat dalam keputusan strategic tanpa mengabaikan operasional finance
- Memahami strategi seorang controller untuk dapat terlibat dalam kegiatan operasional, menyakinkan gagasan dan menggali informasi dari department lain
- Memahami strategi seorang controller untuk selalu mendapat dukungan dari top management dan department lain.
Metode Training The Controllers in Action
- Pelatihan menggunakan metode ceramah dalam memahami konsep, dan latihan/studi kasus dalam mendalami teknik aplikasinya.
- Serta para peserta akan membuat action plan, untuk menentukan rencana yang akan diterapkan setelah kembali ke dunia kerja
Materi Training The Controllers in Action
- Master the mechanics of flawless financial management
- Financial reporting pitfalls & The trouble with budgets
- How to build a team equipped to generate the reliable data you need
- Efficiency check: How to wipe out redundancy, costly errors and omissions and time-consuming double-checks
- How to speed up the monthly closing cycle for fresh, meaningful information
- How to prepare your staff to take on a broader range of financial issues within your company
- Why traditional balance sheets, income statements and cash flow reports aren’t enough
- Financial and Non Financial metrics (goals)
- The unique key indicators of success for your company
- The most important reports any CEO would be thrilled to get
- How to make sure report are correctly understood
- Specific actions you can take to protect cash and assets
- How to establish an ironclad system of internal controls
- Key financial operating areas that deserve constant monitoring
- How to spot not-so-obvious opportunities to boost the bottom line
- Working Capital Management
- Your role as cash flow “watchdog”
- How to build relationships that lead to great results
- Know what’s going on in your company
- Project evaluation: How to spot potential pitfalls
- How to become a confidant others trust
- Getting beyond the numbers: Becoming a planning partner
- How to redefine your image
- The expanded job description of the “new” future-oriented controller
- The distinction between “doing the accounting” and being a controller
- What CEOs really need from their financial managers (Hint: It’s not more reports)
- Be a powerful controller
- How to get more time for the important things
- 4 keys to effective controllership
- Reporting after the fact is what accountants do … learn where controllers should focus
- The big shoes a controller has to fill when working with the management team … how to make sure you’re up to the challenge
- Gain top management’s ear
- Great controllers take the next step with insightful interpretation and feedback
- Communication
- How to anticipate executives’ needs and generate the data they’ll want—before they ask
- How to be a devil’s advocate without threatening or accusing
- If you present it clearly, they’ll appreciate and value your input
- The new rules for getting your story across to time-pressed executives
- Avoid the mistakes controllers sometimes make when reporting information to shareholders, investors and other outsiders
- Why many financial reports are difficult for others to interpret
- Closing the language gap between financial people and management
Formulir Pendaftaran
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Jadwal Training Evaluasi Jabatan dan Grading System Terbaru di Jogja, Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya, Lombok. Lihat Jadwal Fix Running dan Dapatkan penawaran harga murah & diskon dari Kami. Jadwal Pelatihan Evaluasi Jabatan dan Grading System Bulan Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember