Training Activity Based Costing Murah Info Pelatihan Diskon Cashback di Bandung Pusat Training Jadwal Jogja Jakarta Bali Surabaya

Training Activity Based Costing

Training Activity Based Costing Murah Info Pelatihan Diskon Cashback di Bandung Pusat Training Jadwal Jogja Jakarta Bali Surabaya

Training Activity Based Costing – ABC may be used in common parlance to indicate a degree of simplicity, but as an acronym for Activity – Based Costing, it introduces some of the most revolutionary and fundamental changes in management accounting theory and practice. What originally appeared to be simply a new method of tracing costs to products has led to the development of an entirely new philosophy referred to as Activity – Based Costing and Management (ABC & M). In this text a holistic approach is proposed to fundamental issues such as the management of cost, time, quality, funds and constraints through the use of ABC & M. ABC & M is therefore not just a new way of computing business figures but requires the fundamental understanding of all management issues. It is about understanding and not about calculations.

Training Activity Based Costing

Materi Training Activity Based Costing

  1. Shortcomings of traditional cost accounting
    • Introduction
    • Historical development of cost accounting : A synopsis
    • Changes in the business environment since 1940
    • Traditional cost systems in the modern environment
    • Relevance lost
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted
  2. Conceptual frame work of an activity – based costing and management system
    • Introductio
    • Activities
    • Resources of cost elements
    • Performance measures
    • Cost drivers
    • Output measures
    • Cost objectives
    • Bill of activities
    • Illustrative frame of an activity – based costing and management system
    • Continuous improvement
    • Process value analysis and process re-engineering
    • Activity investment analysis
    • Cost of capital management
    • Life – cycle accounting
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted
  3. Costing methodology for raw materials, products and services
    • Introductions
    • Methodology
    • Nature of costs
    • Two – stage allocation process
    • Wastage
    • Determining the cost of raw materials
    • Determining the cost of manufactured products
    • Conclusion
  4. Customer and market profitability
    • Strategy shifts
    • Customer satisfaction
    • Customer and market focus
    • Customer as cost object
    • Micro – cost structure
    • Customer and product analysis
    • Tracing of costs to customers
    • Profit contribution by customer
    • Market profitability
    • Conclusions
    • Sources consulted
  5. Income measurement
    • Introduction
    • Part 1 : The value chain approach
    • Phases in the accounting cycle
    • Explanation of the model
    • Part 2 : Features of an activity – based management system
    • Strategic support
    • Time based accounting
    • Residual income
    • Processes
    • Life – cycle costing
    • Cost drivers and output measures
    • Wastage and quality management
    • Productivity management
    • Capacity management
    • Multiple cost focus
    • Part 3 : Proposed  methodology
    • Activity – based management approach
    • Conclusion
  6. Process and activity analysis
    • Value of process and activity analysis
    • Identifying processes and activities
    • Processes and activity analysis methodology
    • Process re-engineering
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted
  7. Cost drivers and output measure analysis
    • Introduction
    • Cost behaviour
    • Two – stage cost drivers
    • Process drivers
    • Output measures
    • Focus on output
    • Number of output measures (and activities)
    • Identification of output measures
    • Simple linear regression
    • Multiple linear regression
    • Validation of output measures
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted
  8. Cost management
    • Introduction
    • Strategies analysis
    • Processes and activity analysis
    • Continuous cost improvement
    • Performance evaluation
    • Capacity management
    • Quality management
    • Productivity management
    • Process and cycle time
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted
  9. Activity – based budgeting
    • Introduction
    • Steps in the ABB process
    • Differences between ABB and conventional budgeting
    • Controlling through activities
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted
  10. Performance measurement
    • Effectual measures
    • Role of activity – based management within a performance measurement system
    • The design of a performance measurement system
    • Goals and objectives in respect of performance measures
    • Characteristics of performance measures
    • The balance scorecard
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted
  11. Implementation
    • Introduction
    • Step to implement ABC & M
    • Systems design and computerisation issues
    • Stand – alone or integrated system
    • Level of confidence in costs
    • Applicability of activity – based cost and management systems
    • Links with other management systems
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted
  12. Strategy support
    • Interactive relationship
    • Beneficial characteristics of ABC & M
    • Strategic applications
    • Conclusion
    • Sources consulted

Profile pembicara dan pengalaman mengajar akan kami sertakan dalam undangan training.

Fasilitas Training

  • Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5
  • Sertifikat Training
  • Modul Materi (Hard Copy & Soft Copy)
  • Flashdisk
  • Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan)
  • Souvenir Eksklusif
  • 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Jam 10:00 & 14:00)
  • Penjemputan Bandara – Hotel (Pulang-Pergi selama pelatihan)

Lokasi Training di Bandung

Lokasi Bandung (Biaya Pelatihan Rp 7.600.000,-Peserta) (Hotel Neo Dipatiukur, Hotel Dafam Rio Bandung, Hotel Aston Tropicana Cihampelas, Hotel Favehotel Premier Cihampelas, Verona Palace Hotel, Hotel Ibis Pasteur Bandung, Hotel Gino Feruci, Hotel 101 Bandung, Hotel Golden Flower Bandung, Sany Rosa Hotel).

Lokasi Training di Luar Kota Bandung

  • Lokasi Kota Yogyakarta (Biaya Pelatihan Rp 6.800.000,- / Peserta) (Lokasi : Hotel Dafam Malioboro, Hotel Dafam Seturan, Prima Inn Hotel Malioboro, Forriz Hotel, Jentra Dagen Hotel, Hotel Galery Prawirotaman, Hotel Cavinton).
  • Lokasi Kota Surabaya (Biaya Pelatihan Rp 7.800.000,- / Peserta) (Lokasi : Tunjungan Hotel Surabaya, Swiss-Bellin Surabaya, Bisanta Bidakara Surabaya, Hotel Ibis Center Surabaya, Hotel Neo Surabaya)
  • Lokasi Kota Malang (Biaya Pelatihan Rp 7.800.000,- / Peserta) (Lokasi : Hotel Amaris Malang,  Hotel Swiss-belinn Malang, Hotel 101 Malang)
  • Lokasi Kota Bali (Biaya Pelatihan Rp 7.000.000,- / Peserta, Minimal 2 Peserta) (Lokasi : Hotel Ibis Kuta, Ibis Style Denpasar, Favehotel Kuta – Kartika Plaza, Hotel Edelweiss Kuta).
  • Lokasi Kota Lombok (Biaya Pelatihan Rp 7.400.000,- / Peserta, Minimal 2 Peserta) (Lokasi : Lombok Raya Hotel, Lombok Garden Hotel, Grand Madani Hotel Lombok).
  • Biaya diatas jika 1 perusahaan hanya mengirimkan 1 peserta.
  • Jumlah peserta memperngaruhi biaya diatas, jadi jika 1 perusahaan mengirimkan 2 atau lebih peserta maka biayanya dapat dibawah (turun) dari biaya yang tertera diatas.
  • Biaya dan Lokasi diatas hanya untuk Private Training dan Public Training, untuk In House Training penawarannya dapat menghubungi kami dilink berikut (kontak kami).
  • Jumlah peserta, jadwal training dan lokasi training dapat menyesuaikan permintaan.
  • Pemintaan lokasi yang diluar daftar diatas dapat menghubungi kontak Marketing Kami.

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